TK-12 School Directory


Below is a list of all schools operating within the boundaries of the Sacramento City Unified City Unified School District.

Learn more about our schools and programs using our SchoolMint School Finder page. 

Title Grade levelsort icon Zip Website
Success Academy 4-8 School 95824
    Phone: (916) 395-4990Fax: (916) 433-5301
Sacramento Academic and Vocational Academy (SAVA) 7-12 95834
    (916) 286-1920(916) 928-1063 Fax
Matsuyama Elementary School 95831
    Phone: (916) 395-4650Fax: (916) 433-5556
William Land Elementary School 95818
    Phone: (916) 395-4890Fax: (916) 264-4357
Abraham Lincoln Elementary School 95827
    Phone: (916) 395-4500Fax: (916) 228-5834
Bowling Green Charter McCoy Academy Elementary School 95823
    Phone: (916) 395-5210 Fax: (916) 433-5429
James W. Marshall Elementary School 95827
    Phone: (916) 395-4605Fax: (916) 228-5819
Crocker/Riverside Elementary School 95818
    Phone: (916) 395-4535Fax: (916) 264-4705
Yav Pem Suab Academy Elementary School 95831
    Phone: (916) 433-5057Fax: (916) 691-9088
Phoebe Hearst Elementary School 95819
    Phone: (916) 395-4685Fax: (916) 277-6739
Caleb Greenwood IB World School Elementary School 95819
    Phone: (916) 395-4515Fax: (916) 277-6591
Bowling Green Charter Chacon Language & Science Academy Elementary School 95823
    Phone: (916) 395-5215Fax: (916) 433-7388
O.W. Erlewine Elementary School 95826
    Phone: (916) 395-4660Fax: (916) 228-5872
César E. Chávez Intermediate Elementary School (4-6) 95822
    Phone: (916) 395-4530Fax: (916) 433-7396
St. HOPE Public School 7 (PS7) Elementary School (K-5th) 95820
    Phone: (916) 649-7850Fax: (916) 277-7039
Fr. Keith B. Kenny Elementary School (K-6) 95817
    Phone: (916) 395-4570Fax: (916) 277-6507
Edward Kemble Elementary School (TK-3) 95822
    Phone: (916) 395-4550Fax: (916) 433-5579
John D. Sloat Elementary School (TK-6) 95822
    Phone: (916) 395-4620Fax: (916) 433-5272
Tahoe Elementary School (TK-6) 95820
    Phone: (916) 395-4750Fax: (916) 277-6419
Isador Cohen Elementary School (TK-6) 95826
    Phone: (916) 395-4600Fax: (916) 228-5818
John Bidwell Elementary School (TK-6) 95822
    Phone: (916) 395-4610Fax: (916) 433-5557
Ethel Phillips Elementary School (TK-6) 95820
    Phone: (916) 395-4565Fax: (916) 277-6762
Pony Express Elementary School (TK-6) 95831
    Phone: (916) 395-4690Fax: (916) 433-5267
Caroline Wenzel Elementary School (TK-6) 95831
    Phone: (916) 395-4525Fax: (916) 433-5285
Mark Twain Elementary School (TK-6) 95820
    Phone: (916) 395-4640Fax: (916) 277-6486
Hollywood Park Elementary School (TK-6) 95822
    Phone: (916) 395-4590Fax: (916) 277-6292
Susan B. Anthony Elementary School (TK-6) 95832
    Phone: (916) 395-4710Fax: (916) 433-5578
Elder Creek Elementary School (TK-6) 95824
    Phone: (916) 395-4555Fax: (916) 382-5959
Parkway Elementary School (TK-6) 95823
    Phone: (916) 433-5082Fax: (916) 433-5572
New Joseph Bonnheim Community Charter Elementary School (TK-6) 95820 (916) 395-5240
H.W. Harkness Elementary School (TK-6) 95822
    Phone: (916) 395-4585Fax: (916) 433-5346
Sequoia Elementary School (TK-6) 95826
    Phone: (916) 395-4695Fax: (916) 228-5853
Oak Ridge Elementary School (TK-6) 95820
    Phone: (916) 395-4665Fax: (916) 277-6849
Bret Harte Elementary School (TK-6) 95818
    Phone: (916) 395-5190Fax: (916) 277-6456
Earl Warren Elementary School (TK-6) 95820
    Phone: (916) 395-4545Fax: (916) 382-5977
John Cabrillo Elementary School (TK-6) 95822
    Phone: (916) 395-4615Fax: (916) 264-4005
Woodbine Elementary School (TK-6) 95822
    Phone: (916) 395-4910Fax: (916) 433-5094
Suy:u Elementary School (TK-6) 95824
    Phone: (916) 395-4680Fax: (916) 277-6442
Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School (TK-6) 95831
    Phone: (916) 395-4645Fax: (916) 433-5179
Hubert H. Bancroft Elementary School (TK-6) 95826
    Phone: (916) 395-4595Fax: (916) 382-5943
Sutterville Elementary School (TK-6) 95822
    Phone: (916) 395-4730Fax: (916) 277-6590
Ethel I. Baker Elementary School (TK-6) 95824
    Phone: (916) 395-4560Fax: (916) 433-5533
Nicholas Elementary School (TK-6) 95823
    Phone: (916)395-4655Fax: (916) 433-5560
Leataata Floyd Elementary School (TK-6) 95818
    Phone: (916) 395-4630Fax: (916) 264-4182
Washington Elementary School (TK-6) 95811 (916) 395-4760
Pacific Elementary School (TK-6) 95824
    Phone: (916) 395-4670Fax: (916) 433-5439
Camellia Basic Elementary School (TK-6) 95828
    Phone: (916) 395-4520Fax: (916) 382-5918
Golden Empire Elementary School (TK-6) 95826
    Phone: (916) 395-4580Fax: (916) 228-5838
Theodore Judah Elementary School (TK-6) 95819
    Phone: (916) 395-4790Fax: (916) 277-6388
David Lubin Elementary School (TK-6) 95816
    Phone: (916) 395-4540Fax: (916) 277-6526
Sacramento Accelerated Academy High School 95824
    (916) 643-2341Fax: (916) 572-4096
Rosemont High School 95827
    Phone: (916) 395-5130Fax: (916) 228-5743
Arthur A. Benjamin Health Professions High School 95818
    Phone: (916) 395-5010Fax: (916) 264-3245
West Campus High School 95820
    Phone: (916) 395-5170Fax: (916) 277-6593
John F. Kennedy High School 95831
    Phone: (916) 395-5090Fax: (916) 433-5511
George Washington Carver School of Arts and Science High School 95827
    Phone: (916) 395-5266Fax: (916) 228-5760
Sacramento New Technology Early College High School 95822
    Phone: (916) 395-5254Fax: (916) 433-2840
American Legion High School 95817
    Phone: (916) 395-5000Fax: (916) 277-6800
The Met Sacramento High School 95818
    Phone: (916) 395-5417Fax: (916) 264-4701
Hiram Johnson High School 95820
    Phone: (916) 395-5070Fax: (916) 277-6740
Sacramento Charter High School 95817
    Phone: (916) 277-6200Fax: (916) 277-6370
C.K. McClatchy High School 95818
    Phone: (916) 395-5050Fax: (916) 264-4499
Luther Burbank High School 95823
    Phone: (916) 395-5110Fax: (916) 433-5199
Capitol Heights Academy K-5 School 95817
California Montessori Project - Capitol Campus K-8 School 95826
Sol Aureus College Preparatory K-8 School 95831
Capitol Collegiate Academy K-8 School 95817
Growth Public Schools K-8 School 95826
Rosa Parks K-8 School 95822
    Phone: (916) 395-5327Fax: (916) 433-5518
Language Academy of Sacramento K-8 School 95817
John Morse Therapeutic Center K-8 School 95822
    Phone: (916) 395-4774Fax: (916) 433-2975
School of Engineering and Sciences Middle & High School (7-12) 95831
    Phone: (916) 395-5040Fax: (916) 433-2959
Umoja International Academy Middle and High School (7-12) 95819
    Phone: (916) 395-5350Fax: (916) 277-6550
California Middle School 95818
    Phone: (916) 395-5302Fax: (916) 264-4477
Sam Brannan Middle School 95822
    Phone: (916) 395-5360Fax: (916) 264-4481
Miwok Middle School 95816
    Phone: (916) 395-5370Fax: (916) 264-3436
Fern Bacon Middle School 95823
    Phone: (916) 395-5340Fax: (916) 433-5166
Will C. Wood Middle School 95824
    Phone: (916) 395-5380Fax: (916) 382-5914
Albert Einstein Middle School 95826
    Phone: (916) 395-5310Fax: (916) 228-5813
St. HOPE Public School 7 (PS7) Middle School (6 -8th) 95817
Capital City School TK-12 95822 Phone: (916) 395-5020
Genevieve F. Didion TK-8 School 95831
    Phone: (916) 395-4575Fax: (916) 433-5189
Alice Birney Public Waldorf TK-8 School 95831
    Phone: (916) 395-4510Fax: (916) 433-5589
Leonardo da Vinci TK-8 School 95822
    Phone: (916) 395-4635Fax: (916) 277-6806
John Still TK-8 School 95822
    (916) 395-4625 (K-5 campus)(916) 395-5335 (6-8 campus)
A.M. Winn Public Waldorf TK-8 School 95827
    Phone: (916) 395-4505Fax: (916) 228-5820