Titlesort icon Type Attachment
Child Abuse Reporting Requirements: Acknowledgement of Receipt and Agreement to Comply PSL-F052
Checklist of Forms-Standard PSL-F065
Checklist of Forms-New Employee PSL-F064
Checklist of Forms-Benefits Only PSL-F067
Checklist of Forms - Substitute PSL-F066
Change of Address and/or Phone Number
Certification of Physician PSL-F181
Certificated Transcript/Experience Evaluation Worksheet PSL-F023
Certificated Teacher-Content Standard-Pre-Evaluation Conference Record PSL-F106
Certificated Teacher-Content Standard - Option 1 Formative - Summary Evaluation PSL-F107A
Certificated Teacher - Content Standard - Option 2 PSL-F108A
Certificated Surplus Placement PSL-P006A
Certificated Substitute Profile Sheet PSL-F059
Certificated Referrals PSL-W030
Certificated Recruitment Faire PSL-P008B
Certificated Personnel Evaluation Charter School PSL-F105
Certificated Management Employee Terms of Employment: Summer School Program PSL-F231
Certificated Management Employee Terms of Employment: New Hires and Promotions PSL-F040
Certificated Interview Team Report and Recommendation PSL-F084
Certificated Hiring Process PSL-P009
Certificated Employee Absence Report PSL-F013
Certificate of Medical Examination of Applicants for First Employment in a California School District or County Superintendent of Schools Office PSL-F058
Career Lattice Upgrades PSL-F025
Calendars PSL-P005
Authorization of Sick Leave (100 Day Differential) PSL-F062
Authorization for Fingerprinting and Rolling Fee Deduction PSL-F051
Athletic Coach Packet PSL-F176
Assignments With SCUSD PSL-F028
Assigning and Preparing for Testing (QWIZ Skill Testing Scores) PSL-W004
Application Screening Card PSL-F204
Application for Family Medical Leave for Family Member's Serious Health Condition PSL-F007B
Application for Family Medical Leave for Employee's Serious Health Condition PSL-F007A
Applicant Reference Check: Classified and Management PSL-F082
Applicant Reference Check: Certificated PSL-F083
Annual Employee Notifications Acknowledgement PSL-F244
AESD-1 Form Work Instructions PSL-W002
Adult Teacher Per Session Salary Card PSL-F187
Adult Teacher Hourly Salary Card PSL-F186
Administrator Request for a New or Revised Position Description
Administrator Referral for District Training PSL-F215
Administrator Evaluation of Employee District Training PSL-F217
Acknowledgment of Notice of Release From Administrative Position for Failing to Provide Notice of Return From Visiting Educator Program PSL-F194