Title Typesort icon Attachment
Salary Plan for Certificated or Classified Personnel
Change of Address and/or Phone Number
Administrator Request for a New or Revised Position Description
Sheet PSL-F001
Sheet - Sexual Harassment Training PSL-F001A
Requisition for Per Diem Personnel PSL-F003
Request for Leave of Absence Certificated and Classified Employees PSL-F004
Request for Disability Leave of Absence-Certificated Employees PSL-F005
Application for Family Medical Leave for Employee's Serious Health Condition PSL-F007A
Application for Family Medical Leave for Family Member's Serious Health Condition PSL-F007B
Resignation Retirement PSL-F008
Monthly Absence Report of Regular Employees PSL-F009
Employment Verification Form PSL-F010
Employee Tuberculin Testing Questionnaire PSL-F011
Employee Absence Report PSL-F012
Certificated Employee Absence Report PSL-F013
Vacation Request PSL-F014
Job Sharing App PSL-F015
Request for Position Review PSL-F016
Verification of Allied Experience PSL-F017
Verification of Management Allied Experience PSL-F019
Verification of Management Comparable Experience PSL-F020
Verification of Management Experience PSL-F021
Verification of Teaching Experience PSL-F022
Certificated Transcript/Experience Evaluation Worksheet PSL-F023
Classified Transcript/Longevity Evaluation Worksheet PSL-F024
Career Lattice Upgrades PSL-F025
Request for Name Change PSL-F026
Assignments With SCUSD PSL-F028
Skills Testing Score PSL-F029
Prior Approval for Overtime or CTO PSL-F030
Overtime Compensation Verification PSL-F031
Request for Working Out of Classification (Classified Employees) PSL-F032
Request for Working Out of Classification (Classified Employees) PSL-F032
Request for Formal Classification Review (Classified Employees) PSL-F033
Reduced Workload Agreement (Certificated Employees) PSL-F034
Professional Improvement Plan Preapproval Application PSL-F035
Request for Approval of Completed Features of Professional Improvement Plan PSL-F036
Professional Improvement Plan Preapproval Application-New Column Program PSL-F037
Request for Approval of Completed Features of Professional Improvement Plan-New Column Program PSL-F038
Professional Training Prior Approval Request (Four-Year College or University Courses Only) PSL-F039
Certificated Management Employee Terms of Employment: New Hires and Promotions PSL-F040
Classified Management Employee Terms of Employment: New Hires and Promotions PSL-F041
Classified Bargaining Unit Employee Terms of Employment-New Hires and Promotions PSL-F042
Classified Non-Bargaining Unit Employee Terms of Employment: New Hires and Promotions PSL-F043
Teacher Candidate Agreement PSL-F044
Contract for Employment as a Certificated Employee 8x11 PSL-F046
Oath of Allegiance PSL-F049
Fingerprinting Requirements PSL-F050
Authorization for Fingerprinting and Rolling Fee Deduction PSL-F051