Goal 4: Maintain Safe Learning Environments & Dismantle Inequities
LCAP Goals


School and classroom learning environments will become safer, more inclusive, and more culturally competent through the active dismantling of inequitable and discriminatory systems affecting BIPOC students, Students with Disabilities, English Learners, Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, and LGBTQ+ Youth.

Actions Description
4.1 Support students and staff to integrate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) into schools and classrooms.
4.2 Support for schools to effectively implement a PBIS and MTSS frameworks.
4.3 Support staffing needs to include a 1 Bullying Prevention Specialist that works closely with Constituent Services, Student Support and Health Services to align with Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) efforts.
4.4 Providing professional learning that deepens self-awareness and anti-racist capacity to ensure common district messaging, understanding, and approach to dismantling systemic policies and practices that perpetuate disproportionality.  
4.5-4.6 Supplemental and Concentration Grant funding is allocated to school sites based on their number of low-income students and English Learners. These funds are for actions/strategies that benefit the targeted student groups. Allocations are determined by each school site in their School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).
4.7 Provide access to and deliver training for an online platform for site teams to collaborate, develop, and track progress regarding Tier 1, 2, and 3 behavioral interventions.
4.8 Implement the Safety Intervention and Response Plan.