Do Community Schools Work?


An evaluation of 20 initiatives nationwide shows that community schools have a positive impact on what matters most to students, parents, communities and schools. The report concludes that:

  • Student learning improves
  • Parent and family participation – in their children’s education and in the school – increases
  • Principals and teachers have more time for quality instruction because the school’s community partners help address non‐academic barriers to learning
  • Families have more opportunities and support in caring for and helping to educate their children, and in contributing to their community.  

Community schools generate other positive outcomes as well. Improved safety and security, increased community pride, stronger relationships between school and community, and greater utilization of schools and other public services and facilities all reflect the broader “community building” role of community schools. Community schools and their students are seen as valued resources, and communities own accountability for student success. 

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Community Schools Resources