How To Prevent Asthma Attacks
Asthma Online Training Slide 10

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Although one can never be too sure when an asthma attack will occur the chance of it occurring can be minimized by taking preventative measures.

In order to prevent an asthma attack:

  • have the individual avoid triggers that may irritate the lungs to cause a reaction
  • keep surroundings as free as possible from asthma triggers (e.g. clear dust away regularly, avoid areas with tobacco smoke, manage air filters, ensure a stress-free environment as much as possible)
  • recognize signs and symptoms of worsening or uncontrolled asthma
  • take medications as prescribed to help manage, prevent, or control asthma (know which medication belongs to which child, name of medication, when to give it, how much, and how to give it)
  • have an action plan to help guide asthma management under differing situations, especially in the event of an asthma attack

(National Asthma Education and Prevention Program, 2003).



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