COVID Community Level Update

e-Connections Post

SCUSD Families,

We are writing to make sure you are aware that winter virus case numbers are beginning to move upward. Yesterday, the CDC’s COVID Community Level for Sacramento County moved from the Low Level to the Medium Level due to an increase in Covid hospitalizations:

Sacramento County COVID-19 Community Level Weekly Metrics - 12/1/22

  • Case Rate per 100,000 population: 85.63
  • New COVID-19 admissions per 100,000 population: 10.7
  • % Staffed inpatient beds in use by patients with confirmed COVID-19: 6.3%

As a reminder, if Sacramento County moves back into the High Level, indoor masking will be required the following Monday and you will receive a communication from us to let you know. We will keep you informed as these reports are updated by the CDC every Thursday afternoon.

We also wanted to share these tips from the California Department of Public Health with you:

COVID Community Level Update

This Winter season, celebrate and gather in ways that limit the spread of respiratory viruses like respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), flu, and COVID-19. Building a good defense will help prevent severe illness and hospitalization from the flu, COVID-19, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

Follow these five tips to protect yourself and others from winter viruses: 

Get Vaccinated, Boosted (and Treated) - Flu and COVID-19 vaccines continue to be your best defense to limit severe illness and death – and you can get both at the same time. If you test positive for COVID-19, contact your doctor or a test-to-treat site immediately to seek treatment. Treatments work best when started right after symptoms begin.

Stay Home if You’re Sick and Test for COVID - Staying home when you’re sick slows the spread of flu, RSV, and COVID-19. Remember to test for COVID and contact your doctor immediately if you’re positive to discuss treatment options.

Wear a Mask - There is no vaccine for RSV, so wearing a mask can significantly slow the spread and protect babies and young children who do not yet have immunity and are too young to wear a mask themselves. Wearing a mask in indoor public places is a good way to limit the spread of germs.

Wash Your Hands - Frequent handwashing, with soap and warm water – for at least 20 seconds, is an easy and very effective way to prevent getting sick and spreading germs.

Cover Your Cough or Sneeze - Remember to cough or sneeze into your elbow, your arm, or a disposable tissue to help prevent the spread of winter viruses. Just make sure to wash your hands or sanitize and dispose of your tissue after.