2024 School Climate Survey
All Grades
As part of the district’s annual data collection process, the district has launched the annual School Climate Survey. Surveys are targeted to the participant: there is one for teachers and other staff, one for parents/guardians and one for students.
Data from this survey helps to inform our support for school sites toward improving culture and climate, especially in the areas of connectedness, safety, and social emotional learning.. The survey results will also be used to support district priorities, the actions in the LCAP (State Priority 6: School Climate) and reporting in the California School Dashboard.
The surveys will be open from February 26 – March 22, 2024.
Student Survey: The student survey is administered online to students in grades 3-12. Student voice is a priority of the Board of Education as it is critical to inform district planning. The student survey is available for anyone to review here and on the School Climate Survey webpage.
Family Survey: The family survey can be taken by all parents or caregivers. This survey will available online in English and the five district threshold languages February 26 – March 22, 2024. Please share the link to the School Climate Survey webpage through your usual communication channels (text, Facebook, newsletter, web page, phone reminders, etc.). The information will also be shared through the Scroll, Infinite Campus and social media.
Faculty/Staff Survey: Each site is asked to designate approximately 20 minutes at a staff meeting for the administration of the school climate survey to faculty and other staff. This survey is to be taken online and can be accessed using any device.
Instructions and Survey Links
Instruction for administering all three surveys is available on the School Survey Administration Instructions Google Doc.
Thank you.