Teacher Recommendation Form
2014-2015 Middle School Mathematics Courses


Please fill out the following information about your 6th or 7th grade student. 

If you would prefer to download the form, click here

Recommendations for: 

  • 8th Grade courses due April 30th
  • 7th Grade courses due May 16th
Contact Information
Student Information
Completes his/her homework on time
Keeps trying even when problems are challenging
Justifies his or her strategy for solving a problem
Listens to see if other people’s ideas are logical
Finds relevance of math in everyday life
Finds errors in his/her work and makes revisions as necessary
Works collaboratively with peers
Is willing to share his/her ideas in class
Thinks of a shortcut that will work for a particular type of problem
Applies previously learned knowledge in new ways
Thinks about multiple ways to solving problems